Raven Oak


"I've been making up stories since I could talk. I get to make shit up for a living! How cool is that?"

  Author photo of Raven OakMulti-international award-winning speculative fiction author Raven Oak (they/them) is best known for their epic fantasy Boahim Trilogy and their space opera, Class-M Exile. They have over two dozen short stories published in anthologies and collections, and they're even published on the moon! Raven spent most of their K-12 education doodling and writing 500 page monstrosities that are forever locked away in a filing cabinet. Besides being a writer and artist, they're a geeky, disabled ENBY who enjoys getting their game on with tabletop games, indulging in cartography and art, or staring at the ocean. They live in the Seattle area with their wife, and their three kitties who enjoy lounging across the keyboard when writing deadlines approach. Their hair color changes as often as their bio does.


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News From the Blog

  • A bunch of open books in the background with an open book in the foreground. The book says "What am I... reading, writing, playing, painting, writing, living." What am I? - I used to do this posts every month to chat about what I’m reading, watching, playing, or otherwise enjoying and I stopped somewhere along the way. I think life got a bit chaotic, and I didn’t feel like I had Read More...
  • A photo of a gloomy day at the beach in Seattle. Rain splatters against the lens and a figure in black stands looking out across the water. Photo by Raven Oak. A Good Cry - Everyone needs a good cry from time to time. Sometimes, my Sjogren’s gets in the way with that as my eyes are too dry to cry, and other times, other emotions make it challenging, but music is always something that Read More...
  • Screenshot of books by Raven Oak that were stolen by Meta for their GenAI engine. GenAI is Theft - The Atlantic just released a huge exposé on how Meta (the company behind Facebook, Threads, Instagram, etc.) has stolen millions of books in order to train their GenAI engines. They aren’t the first company to do so and unless we Read More...
  • A blank last will and testament sits on a wooden counter with a pen beside it. Text says, "What do you mean, read it?" Attorney at Nothing - Few people like to think about death. So few that according to Gallup, 54% of U.S. adults do not have a will. Those who do are mostly over the age of 65, are upper class, and are white. Most are Read More...
  • Image shows iconography of diverse people in the background. In the foreground is a wooden figure holding a sign saying Everyone Matters. The text says Inclusivity for All. Inclusivity for All - GeekGirlCon’s new announcement… Oof. Where to begin? I’ve been a geek my entire life. I’ve been bullied for it growing up and as an adult. Most of us have. Being queer and nonbinary on top of it means I’ve grown Read More...
  • The Book 101 Review podcast logo, which has multiple stacks of leaning books in the background and the text in the foreground Book 101 Review Pt 4 - I love cross-genre writing so it makes sense that I would make a holiday-themed spec fic collection.” For the month of February, I’m the Author of the Month on the Book 101 Review, a podcast with over 700 episodes and Read More...
