I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. Neither does science for that matter! There are a few things you can do to succeed at your resolutions, but I prefer to set goals.
The difference in setting goals is that I will work daily towards a goal, because if I don’t meet it, it doesn’t go away. The goal still remains. I keep working towards it until it is done. I’m also fairly good at setting reasonable and achievable goals. If I don’t meet it, it doesn’t end my world.Since ’tis the season for sharing such goals and aspirations for the new year, here are mine:
* Finish all edits on TruthWeaver, Don’t Call Me Daughter, Amaskan’s Blood, and The Silent Frontier.
* Finish writing and all edits on Mirror, Mirror and Amaskan’s Blood’s sequel, which is currently untitled.
* Finish writing The Archaeologist and El Cuarto Segundo, which will then be ready for editing in 2015.
* Attend several writing conferences.
* Exercise more
* Explore the beauty of Washington state more
* Finish repairs & upgrades to home
* Finish going through storage unit
I like this quote that Gabriel Bernstein just posted: “Reigniting your intentions and goals is different from making a same-old New Year’s resolution. Truth? Many resolutions are half-hearted holiday hangover remedies that just ease the transition from the glitzy, sugar-high-fueled festivities to the daily routine. Once the novelty fades, so does your commitment.” For the last couple of New Years, as inspired by Chris Guillebeau, I’ll sit down and write out specific categories (music, learning, family/friends/community, spirituality, health, financial, travel) and then make 3 to 5 goals within each category and then specific steps I can take for achieving each goal. These are of course subject to change during the course of the year. Last year and this year I’ve mapped out, as inspired by Danielle Laporte “five core desired feelings” within that framework to help clarify how I want to feel, as that is the whole point to it all. (Although so far, I have 5 or more desired feelings within each of those categories, but some patterns are arising). Then I’ll summarize how I want my day to feel specifically and what that looks like within the different phases of the day: morning, afternoon, evening and within each category. It’s been incredibly enjoyable and challenging, as it helps you confront and work through all kinds of fears, hesitations, insecurities. It’s amazing during this process how I’ve come to realize how often in the past I didn’t give myself permission to enjoy my life truly and fully. I’ve waded and worked through a lot of mental bullshit that I simply picked up from the cultural momentum that tells us that we’re not worthy of enjoying our lives. So to rise to the occasion and challenge these destructive beliefs that keep us from true happiness is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves. Kudos to you darling and may you enjoy unfoldment of the year! ~Millicent
That is an excellent quote and example of how people lose track of the bigger picture and themselves by trying to do what society says they should. Resolutions set one up for failure, but goals set correctly do not. In that case, there is no failure because all movement is forward movement that teaches us something.
kaonevar anuleilia Well said!