Week Two Freebie – RAVEN OAK

Week Two Freebie

Ooo! Freebies!

If you’ve been on the fence about backing my Kickstarter for The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales, keep in mind that backing it during week two will get you TWO free holiday short stories! One is “The Werewolf Before Christmas” by Kat Richardson and the other is “The Love of a Troll on a Mid-Winter’s Night” by Jennifer Brozek!

Week 2 freebies will be two holiday spec fic short stories by Kat Richardson and Jennifer Brozek

Wanna see the book in person?

If you’re still on the fence and live in the Pacific NW, I’ll be at GeekGirlCon in Seattle on October 7th & 8th in the dealer’s hall! Come find me at Books & Chains booth and check out The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales in person! I’ll have a copy with me to show!

More on the Stories

“The Bell Ringer”

When it’s the holidays, the Salvation Army bell ringers stand out there, day after day, dealing with both gnarly weather and people in their attempt to raise money for those less fortunate. It was that concept that helped me form the bell ringer character in “The Bell Ringer” story.

“Ol’ St. Nick”

In “Ol’ St. Nick,” we have Captain Mark Banes, who captains The Perffaith, a breaking down ship out on the edges of civilized space. He has a troubled past and comes from a mob family, but his chosen family is his crew. He’d do anything for his people, but before he can save them, he has to save himself.  This story is a closed-in murder mystery in space, which I loved writing.

“The Ringers”

Elise, on the other hand, is a young adult who’s been accepted into a special magic school. Because her family is poor, they’ve been working to save up for tuition and end up moving to a new town in hopes of finding better work. She cares deeply about her family, which is why she wants to save them. In “The Ringers,” I wanted to explore the idea of jingling bells not bringing hope and happiness, but being a warning of something more sinister and creepy. It’s my gothic fantasy nod to classical author Charles Dickens, and I love the characters within it.

“The Curse”

Simon, from “The Curse,” was a joy to write. I wanted to take a broken-down drug dealer with a troubled past and curse him good. He killed a kid via over-dose by selling him bad product and honestly, he could use to learn a lesson…or five. He’s going to pay for his crimes before any form of redemption comes his way. Certain readers who have checked out the campaign and thus, have seen some of the art pieces, have labeled him “hot Santa” but honestly, he’s a bit too complex for that. 😉

If you haven’t backed this project yet, please consider it! Head over to:


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