Wherefore art thou writing? – RAVEN OAK

Wherefore art thou writing?

Got a good Monday Night Gaming post coming up later this evening, but for now, I wanted to frown at my depressing “writing progress” meters on the right and chat about the WHY. Amaskan’s Blood comes out in exactly 87 days, which to most people, means nothing. But to an author, it’s often a time of pulling out ones’ hair or crying in panic or maybe all the above.

Wherefore art thouWriters are fairly introverted, though most successful writers are excellent fakers and liars. Most readers would never know how nervous writers are about public speaking, book signings, or making an appearance at conventions and conferences.

While I’m fairly outgoing with those I know, I’m very introverted in public, in places full of strangers–even geeky strangers. This whole “get out there and sell your book!” promotion thing makes me want to wet myself or curl up in a corner and hide. It doesn’t come naturally, so it’s time consuming because it’s very much an act. It’s forcing myself into a square when I’m really a triangle.

I am writing. In very, very, very small amounts. It’ll get better in the next few weeks because I’ll be over the hurdle of setting up blog tours and other promotional things, so my time will revert back to mostly writing and editing (at least until January). But for the moment, I’m snatching at words in between eye-blinks.

I’m writing the long short story for those who join the mailing list, and I’m writing the beginning of Amaskan’s Honor, book II in the Boahim Series.

Wherefore art thou doesn’t mean where are you, though many think it does. It means WHY, which is a question many aspiring writers ask. Being an introvert, why would I write knowing that I’m going to have to spend precious time promoting to strangers and completing tasks I find uncomfortable?

Because it’s worth it. The other day, I held an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of Amaskan’s Blood in my hands. Dreams made real, folks. I looked out at Mt. Rainier and this beautiful city with the knowledge that my hard work brought me here. To this very spot in my life.

So very worth it.

Now I need to get out there and be all promotion-y.

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