What do you do? – RAVEN OAK

What do you do?

Whatever it is that you do, when did you first know that you wanted to do it?
For example, how did I first know I wanted to write?


Me, a brat by age 4

My grandmother bought a book for me when I was four–one of those books you fill in as you grow up.It contained one page for every year of school, from kindergarten until senior year, and asked such questions like ‘Who is your best friend?’ and ‘What’s your favorite color?’

Every year my answers changed except for one question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Every year the answer read:
1. Writer
2. Teacher

I think in middle school I added a third addendum–veterinarian–though that didn’t last past the first time I watched a pet die. (The idea of trying and failing to save an animal crushed me.) I’ve known for a very long time that this is what I wanted to do. My husband knew he wanted to program video games about the same age, but that is not to say this is the norm. For all that I knew, I certainly took a while finding my way here. A meandering path through 3.5 years of a degree in Music Composition and 12 years of teaching. But find my way I did!

How about you? When did you know and what paths did you take?

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