Flashback Friday: Cats & Netflix – RAVEN OAK

Flashback Friday: Cats & Netflix

This week’s Flashback Friday: Cats & Netflix

Cats & Netflix…not really a Flashback Friday so much as a Flashback to last week. I have no real reason to have this categorized as a Flashback Friday other than my want to spend today talking about cats…and Netflix. Don’t blame me–The Doubleclicks started it.

If you’re not familiar with The Doubleclicks’ song Cats & Netflix, you should be–especially if you live in the Pacific Northwest. Here, let me help you get this awesome song in your head:

It’s fun looking back at how many Friday night’s I’ve spent curled up between a good book and three cozy kitties. The gray drizzle has returned to Seattle and as I type this, my feet are cold. I’ve spent the past week recovering from a viral something and a major sinus infection–the kind where you tilt your head and something moves. Then there’s vertigo and nausea. (Yes, I’m on meds, no worries.)

I’m feeling a bit better today, but my to-do list has multiplied exponentially, as these things tend to do. So instead of a lengthy post, I will leave you with cats as I watch Netflix.

Flashback Friday: Cats & NetflixWhat started as the above, soon morphed into a love fest of grooming and wiggles.

Flashback Friday: Cats & NetflixFlashback Friday: Cats & NetflixFlashback Friday: Cats & NetflixAnd then settled back into sleep.

Flashback Friday: Cats & NetflixYep. I’ve got cats, and I’ve got Netflix.

I’ve got games, and I’ve got snack mix.

And I am gonna stay indoors,

for four or five months or more.

Or at least until I run through my reading list in temp housing. 😉

Oh, big news coming next week. Or this weekend if you’re on part of The Conspiracy.

Click here to read other Flashback Friday posts including those by bestselling authors Jean Walker, G.G. Silverman, G. S. Jennsen, and Django Wexler.

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