Anglicon Wrap-Up – RAVEN OAK

Anglicon Wrap-Up

This is your Anglicon Wrap-Up!

Anglicon is one of my favorite conventions, and not just because it’s everything Doctor Who and British media. It’s a convention full of great people who really love their fandom. It’s also a convention that I greatly enjoy being a panelist on and running the QI game show.

Friday dawned with an eerie fog that later cleared enough for my husband to take this awesome shot of Mt. Rainier (aka The Mountain™) from his office window. (P.S. You can click the images to see them larger.)

Pretty FridayWhen we arrived at the Doubletree Hotel, a wonderful sight greeted the three of us–the TARDIS and a fully decorated Christmas tree. I felt like I was walking through a Doctor Who Christmas special. Christmas TARDISBelow is our booth, with Jennifer Brozek and I behind it. (Elise is taking the photo.) Yes, those are TARDIS lights across the front of it. Oddly enough, this layout worked very well for us.boothBoth Jennifer and I were selling mystery boxes, though mine were very geeky and included Whovian items. 😉 mystery box

This gentleman created Fe-9, instead of K-9! It was adorable!
Fe-nineA closer look at Fe-9!Fe-nineAn Ood stopped by our booth, and we had to get a photo!Ood

This Ood was wandering around later with another Ood. Caught a quick, albeit blurry shot on the way to a panel.Oods

We sold a LOT of books and chainmaille jewelry on Friday–a lot more than we expected for a partial day.

On Saturday, Dalek Clara came by our booth as well, complete with her reindeer ears. Dalek

Dalek Dale, with handler Shaylee, also came by!DalekThe War Doctor also came to visit, and Elise and I had to pose with him for a photo. War DoctorRonnie, from Sci-Fi Monkeys, stopped by wearing an adorable shirt that has a Totoro ChewbaccaRaven and RonnieBarbara, the Ribbon Queen riding a Weeping Angel, also stopped by. If you ever want to know the what’s what about ribbons at cons, ask her.Weeping Angel

The gentleman who came last year with K-9 also attended this year’s Anglicon. I love his K-9.K-9Ronnie posted on Facebook that Books & Chains were a few of his favorite things.AwwThe corgi from the Dirk Gently TV show was one of the guests at Anglicon, and at one point Saturday, he went for a walk through the dealer’s room. Below, he’s saying hi to the PBS station’s booth. CorgiThen he got really excited and ran over to us.CorgiThere was also a cosplaying kitty who dressed up as The Doctor quite a few times.Cat CosplayThis picture below is technically from Sunday, but it’s the cosplaying kitty posing with her owner and Elise.Cat CosplayShe even has a special button.Cat hairSanta also stopped by. We told him he should go pose for pictures at the TARDIS, and he did!


The majority of folks were hard-core holiday shopping, which was great for the dealer’s room. My first two days of panels went really well.

On Sunday, Barbara and her husband, Jim, were dubbed the official King and Queen of Ribbons. O_O So many ribbons.

Ribbon MastersOld school Doctor Who villains.cosplay This guy was actually a double for David Tennant!David and EliseElise also went and posed for a photo with the corgis. Elise CorgiAnd we had to get a photo of Elise with the TARDIS, especially with her shirt.EliseAfter a long Sunday of panels (I was hardly in the dealer’s room!), it was time to pack up and head out. The dealer’s room looks so empty after folks leave…The EndOverall, we did better at Anglicon than we did at Rose City Comicon, which is saying something! And despite a few bumps, it is still my favorite convention. <3 Between all the panels I was moderating and the dealer’s room, I didn’t get out to see the two Doctors or any of the guests myself, but I know from all the photos elsewhere that attendees really enjoyed the convention. If you haven’t been to Anglicon, you should check it out in 2018!

Anglicon photos taken by Elise Kreinbring, Raven Oak, or Jennifer Brozek. Photo of Mt. Rainier taken by Erik Carson.

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