Another Teaser... – RAVEN OAK

Another Teaser…

It’s Teaser Time!

I’ve got another sneak peek of The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales collection for you. Some of the best tiers in this Kickstarter are the tiers at the top. You’ll have six unique opportunities to back the campaign and not only get the full-color hardback collection, but an original giclee canvas art piece of mine. We’re talking original. One-of-a-kind. As in, you’ll have a piece of my original art that no one else will ever have. 

That’s pretty cool if I do say so myself. Oh! They will also be autographed.

Here’s another sneak peek at one of those canvas pieces.

A teaser image of one of Raven Oak's art canvases

For those worried about funds, don’t worry. We have plenty of digital tiers to let you enjoy the full-color collection and artwork as well. There will be something in this campaign for everyone!

Take a moment to head over to the campaign and follow it! Kickstarter will then notify you once the campaign is live you can get in on some of the early bird prices and limited edition items!

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