With a Little Help from My Friends…
I’m going to be offline (except for cell) for a bit as my computer has a hardware failure. Due to Covid-19 and being high risk for it, my machine is being mailed back to Apple for hardware repair and diagnostics. Read More…
Temporarily Out of Range
My device is having a hardware failure. As such, my Logs are unable to reach you for an unknown amount of time. The device has to return home, be repaired, and then ship back to me. Until then, may your Read More…
Riley and Malley are inseparable. Wherever one is, the other goes. They sleep together. They eat together. They play together. In fact, they even go to the vet together. If one of them goes to the vet without the other, Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 048
When we first adopted DiNozzo, it took a bit for Riley and Malley to adapt to him, but once they did, all was fine. Until DiNozzo’s epilepsy began. Four years old and both Riley and Malley were suddenly scared to Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 047
Chartreux of a Different Color The picture on the right–that’s an actual picture of Riley and Malley with their liter mates. Most are the same size but you can see that Malley is much bigger than his siblings. He’s got Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 046
Let Me Go A Burrowin’ All three of our cats are burrowers, but Riley is the master burrower. He will burrow in anything, but it paper, plastic, suitcases, clothing, or bedding. Absolutely anything. While the other two burrow mostly in Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 045
Riley & Malley were in a foster family before we got them, only it was one of those foster families with way too many animals. We’re talking 25+ cats and dogs, not to mention birds and rabbits. Riley grew up Read More…
Cat-tain’s Vacation
Vacation Time! With Covid-19 still a thing, we’re not going anywhere, but with Erik off work, I plan to spend the week de-stressing and mostly away from the Internet. But don’t worry, the kitties and I will be back next Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 044
Scritches, Scratches, & Silly Snatches The other morning, Erik (my partner) was eating some toasted pop-tarts. He walked away from them for a moment to get his coffee. In that moment, Riley went from the curled up, sleeping kitty who’d Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 043
Dirty Little Secrets DiNozzo always thinks everyone’s keeping secrets from him. If he ever sees Riley and Malley together in a position that implies they are talking, he’s running toward them at break-neck speed to find out what’s being said. Read More…