Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 025
It’s a Thin Line Between Love and Hate Our kitties love us, don’t get me wrong, but they hate the vet. They hate going to the vet so much that they start crying the moment they’re in the cat carriers, Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 024
GRAVITY FALLS The middle image of Malley focused on the falling puff balls is one of my favorites. He absolutely adores those balls. He used to play fetch with them, but now he prefers to play baseball with them instead. Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 023
Not My Job Back in 2004, my partner and I visited my family when they still lived in South Florida. While there, we took a guided trip through the Everglades that was half-open bus and half-boat. I’ve been closer to Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 022
Fight for Your Right…to Research! Riley and Malley, being brothers, LOVE to play-fight. It almost always ends up with them bathing each other, then curling up and going to sleep, but first, the fight. Sometimes DiNozzo wants to get involved, Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 021
Ah, yes. Catnip. Riley and Malley remind me of “I love you” drunks. When they get ahold of cat-nip, they roll in it a bit and eat it, then sit and stare at the cosmos as if the universe stretches Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 020
I hope that it won’t end…alone If any creatures out in the universe are watching us through this pandemic, particularly the United States, their thoughts must be a mix of “OMG, barbarians!” and “Well,..this is not going to end well.” Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 019
I HEAR THE SECRETS THAT YOU KEEP… Riley has such an expressive face. So many nuances in everything from the way he moves his ears to the flare of his spotted nose… I love taking pictures of all of my Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 018
I SEE DEAD PEOPLE. You know, sometimes I wonder. The way cats stare into space as if something very frightening is just over my shoulder, it makes me wonder what their highly improved eyesight sees. Maybe they see microscopic (or Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 017
Netflix and Chill. My work life didn’t change all that much during quarantine. My partner, Erik, began working from home back in the beginning of March and will continue to work from home until I am no longer at high Read More…
Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 016
*THWAP* When we first introduced DiNozzo to brothers Malley and Riley, they were terrified of him. Despite having spent the first year of their lives in a foster home full of cats and dogs, they’d lived the next year with Read More…