A Good Cry

Everyone needs a good cry from time to time. Sometimes, my Sjogren’s gets in the way with that as my eyes are too dry to cry, and other times, other emotions make it challenging, but music is always something that Read More…

GenAI is Theft

The Atlantic just released a huge exposé on how Meta (the company behind Facebook, Threads, Instagram, etc.) has stolen millions of books in order to train their GenAI engines. They aren’t the first company to do so and unless we Read More…

Book 101 Review Pt 4

I love cross-genre writing so it makes sense that I would make a holiday-themed spec fic collection.” For the month of February, I’m the Author of the Month on the Book 101 Review, a podcast with over 700 episodes and Read More…

DiNozzo Needs Help

DiNozzo is currently in the ER fighting for his cat life, and we need help. He has battled Feline Herpes, genetic issues, epilepsy, IBD, and small cell lymphoma. Something changed this week and no one has any idea what’s going Read More…

Rare Disease Day

I’m rare. Lucky me! /end sarcasm It’s Rare Disease Day in the USA & while that has nothing to do with speculative fiction, it does have to do with me. When I was first diagnosed with Sjögren’s (auto-immune disease), I Read More…

Book 101 Review Pt 3

Like most of my work, the idea of justice is important. It certainly is in Class-M Exile. Having two morally gray characters in a world of prejudice makes for some interesting storytelling.” For the month of February, I’m the Author Read More…


I am trying to be better about blogging here more, so I woke up this morning with a plan for this post. I was going to talk a bit about some good books I’ve read lately and some excellent TV Read More…