Book Cover Throwback: Don't Bite the Sun – RAVEN OAK

Book Cover Throwback: Don’t Bite the Sun

This week’s Book Cover Throwback: Don’t Bite the Sun by Tanith Lee.

Don't Bite the Sun by Tanith Lee

What I Love about This Cover: I love the imagery and the style of detail in this cover. I had no idea Brian Froud was the cover artist when I picked up this cover. I’m a huge fan of this work, so coupling it with an awesome book was bonus!

What I Don’t Love about This Cover: I wish the DAW logo wasn’t that large. Otherwise, there is nothing I dislike about this cover. Absolutely gorgeous.

Click here to view other Book Cover Throwbacks.

4 Replies to “Book Cover Throwback: Don’t Bite the Sun”

  1. I think, that as a whole, DAW commissioned some of the best unknowns for their covers. I own numerous DAW publications from this period, and always bask in the glory of a well composed piece. The compositions in almost all their covers are done much like comic book covers and gives it that “pulp” feel. I guess that’s why I overlook the DAW logo.

  2. Scott Ferguson Agreed.
    What gets me about this cover is that Brian Froud is far from unknown, though I guess he was back in 1976. His work with the Henson family in the early 80’s and beyond is amazing, and I was psyched to find this cover as a kid. 🙂

  3. Froud’s work on The Dark Crystal was fantastic, and about the same time he released “Fairies,: to much critical acclaim. I’m a huge fan too. I’ve got most of his books that are available, and now I hunt used book stores for his older work. I don’t know; covers like this, from the ’70’s. are just fantastic, and Froud was learning his chops here and blossoming into the guy we know and love today.

  4. Scott Ferguson I’ve got most of his books as well. His work in Labyrinth and Dark Crystal are just…wow. 🙂 
    This is a topic I’ve talked about before as authors and publishers spend more time on branded, photoshoped collages of stock photos for their covers and less on art. It makes me sad as the old art is so much better.

    It’s funny how many people are turned off by Amaskan’s Blood’s art because it’s art rather than the photo-realistic stock photo they’re used to.

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