Book Release Party Wrap-Up – RAVEN OAK

Book Release Party Wrap-Up

This is your Book Release Party Wrap-Up!

On a weekend with Renton City Comicon and countless other events, it was awesome to see so many turn out for the double release party last weekend. I started my Saturday with a splitting migraine that carried over from the day before. Despite my aching head, the show must go on and we set off for the geekiest coffee house in Seattle shortly before go time.

To kick things off, we colored pages from my new coloring book, which made for a nice, relaxing start to the event. I read a mostly spoiler free set from both Amaskan’s Blood and Amaskan’s War, I answered quite a number of questions and signed books before we returned to coloring.

Raven readingPicture from Olivia Ahl of me reading.Coloring contestPictures by attendees of the coloring fun!Coloring pagesSo many tables of coloring!Coloring pagesSome chose markers. Some used coloring pencils. Some crayons.coloring contestSome of the finished products! (Pictures by attendees)
Coloring contest

 Reader Ramona won a prize for her coloring sheet (which you can win too!) which she tweeted about(Photo credit: Ramona)

PrizesMy good friend and fellow author Jesikah Sundin attended. We had to take a picture together in front of Serenity. (Photo credit: Miles Sundin)

Raven and JesikahAnother good friend and fellow author, Jennifer Brozek (and her husband), helped me with setup and selling of books, which is MUCH appreciated! Despite my migraine, we didn’t leave until after 10 PM. On the way out of the door, I had to take a photo of the poster hanging up next to my captain. 😉Event PosterOverall, it was an awesome event. Great thanks to everyone who attended!

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