FF: American Gods
7/5/2024 EDIT: A lot has changed since I wrote this. Please keep that in mind as you read this ancient post. This week’s Flashback Friday: American Gods by Neil Gaiman After the scariness of Super Tuesday, Neil was excited to share Read More…

FF: Evoking an Emotional Response
This week’s Flashback Friday: Evoking an Emotional Response I love that music can evoke such an emotional response in me. It’s one of the reasons that both myself and my husband were music majors for our first 3 years of Read More…

Flashback Friday: To Kill a Mockingbird
This week’s Flashback Friday: To Kill A Mockingbird by the recently late Harper Lee. EDIT: This post was originally made on November 28, 2014. I made it before the release of Amaskan’s Blood and without the knowledge that racism and Read More…

Flashback Friday: Good Faeries, Bad Faeries
This week’s Flashback Friday: Good Faeries, Bad Faeries by Brian Froud. My first exposure to the land of Brian Froud was through the films The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Though at the time, I didn’t know the name of the creator Read More…

Flashback Friday: A New Year
This week’s Flashback Friday: A New Year! Flashbacks are typically about looking back, but why do we bother if not to find our way forward? I’m a firm believer that the decisions and events of our past form and shape Read More…

Flashback Friday: Christmas Past
This week’s Flashback Friday: Christmas Past The first Christmas I remember involved a fake Cabbage Patch doll–fake because we were really poor and my family couldn’t afford the $40 or $50 stores were charging for the new “hot toy.” I Read More…

Flashback Friday: A Christmas Carol
This week’s Flashback Friday: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Some folks are probably asking what in the world does A Christmas Carol have to do with science fiction and fantasy? This classic is so deeply rooted in our literature Read More…

Flashback Friday: A Look Back
This week’s Flashback Friday: A Look Back. Today begins our Joy to the Worlds Book Tour. If you’d told me ten years or even five years ago that I’d be driving around the Pacific Northwest with three authors on a Read More…

Flashback Friday: Dear America
This week’s Flashback Friday: Dear America Dear America, You’ve probably seen it on social media as it’s making the rounds, but in the early days of World War II, we turned away Jewish refugees seeking asylum in the United States. Read More…

Flashback Friday: NaNoWriMo
This week’s Flashback Friday: NaNoWriMo My first NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) was back in 2008. I wrote what would later become The Eldest Silence–a first draft of 61,870 words. It was a mad dash that made me hold my Read More…