Monday Night Gaming: 3 Dragon Ante
I’m posting this on Monday, but the actual gaming took place last night. My husband and I got to sit down at our usual haunt with game developer & author, Jonathan Tweet, to play some new games. The winner of Read More…
Monday Night Gaming: Munchkin
Probably one of my favorite tabletop games is the Munchkin series by Steve Jackson Games. There are dozens of themes to this game—everything from vampires and Cthulhu to Pathfinder and space. We own about 2/3 of the games & expansions Read More…
Microsoft’s Minecraft
Everyone’s talking about it. Mojang & Minecraft are trending on Twitter & Facebook. I think every blogger and gamer is commenting on it, posting about it, and freaking out right now. If you missed the announcement this morning, Microsoft has Read More…
Flash Forward: Vulcan Mind Meld
Ah yes, the Vulcan Mind Meld. Rare is the geek who has not heard of this! The idea that we can communicate mind-to-mind and share experiences without ever saying a word. It’s a fascinating concept and one that’s been explored Read More…
The Sims 4: Back to Beta?
I’m calling this my Monday Night Game On! post as I don’t watch football at all and spent some of my weekend playing the new Sims 4 game. When I’m not writing sci-fi/fantasy novels, I game, be it tabletop board Read More…
Gamergate & the Boys’ Club
So I lied. My day began with every intention of doing a Flashforward Friday. Between the dead Internet modem at home (and Con-cast telling me it’ll be 5-10 business days before a new one arrives) and a morning of errands Read More…
Medieval Torture Devices & Bosses
(This is currently posting while I’m away at the last day of PAX Prime. Hopefully I’m having loads of fun and NOT being tortured! Enjoy!) Most people will gladly tell you just how much their Monday’s suck. Some might even Read More…
Breaking into the Boys’ Club
I wrote this right before navigating my way through my first PAX Prime convention, which in some ways is akin to a female gamer navigating their way through Xbox live. The majority of gamers are great folks, but in the Read More…
DiNozzo says, “No!”
The last four days I spent at the PNWA Writers’ Conference, where my friend and critique group member, Gayle Clemans, had 6 different agents ask for her manuscript (which in the publishing world, is awesome). Between the ‘too busy to Read More…