FF: Shiny Comicon
This week’s Flashback Friday: Shiny Comicon. Because I’m at the Emerald City Comicon, I don’t have the time to type up a fully fleshed Flashback Friday. Instead, I leave you with an image of my first comicon in 2012. It Read More…

Untethered: A Magic iPhone Anthology
Gamers will get a kick out of my story “Q-Be,” which features an evil app based on the freemium model that’s oh-so popular right now. Even if you’re not a gamer, if you’ve ever played Candy Crush or some other Read More…

MNG: Age of War
This week’s Monday Night Gaming / MNG: Age of War It’s been a while since I did one of these. Between moving and my event schedule, I haven’t done a ton of gaming lately. My apologies for the delay. Publisher: Read More…

FF: Gravitational waves
For this week’s Flashforward Friday: The Discovery of Gravitational Waves. Yesterday, physicists announced that they had finally proven the last of Einstein’s theories–the existence of gravitational waves. For most people, this announcement is meaningless, but for science fans and science Read More…

MNG: Professor Layton & the Unwound Future
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Professor Layton & the Unwound Future, game #3 in the Professor Layton series. The Professor Layton series is definitely one of my favorite game series–mystery coupled with puzzles and a full-fledged story line = WIN. Read More…

MNG: Firefly Shiny Dice
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Firefly Shiny Dice Review Publisher: Upper Deck Entertainment # of Players: 1-5 Best with: 2 players Playing Time: The box says 30 minutes. For 5 players playing the first time, it took us 3.5 hours Read More…

MNG: Champions of Midgard
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Champions of Midgard Review Publisher: Grey Fox Games # of Players: 2-4 Best with: 3-4 Playing Time: 60-90 minutes, though the first time, it’ll probably take you an hour just to read the rules & Read More…

Monday Night Gaming: Fallout 4
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Fallout 4. Those that know me, know my love of Fallout. My husband would argue his deep love for its predecessor, Wasteland, which I respect, but for me, Fallout 3 is what began my Bethesda Read More…

Winter Wish on the Solstice
Winter solstice…the shortest day of the year. The day when it’s dark at 3:30 PM in Seattle, and everyone sighs with relief that eventually the sun will return. It’s also the day of my birth, which is always interesting as Read More…

What I’m…Update
What do Jessica Jones, Fallout 4, Amaskan’s War, and Old Man’s War have in common? Find out below. What I’m Reading What I’m Writing What I’m Playing What I’m Watching