Dead Gardens are Dead
I’ve never liked the phrase green thumb in regards to gardening. It reminds me of fungal infections gone wrong, of which I could post some gruesome photos. You get the idea. I’m not a green thumb by ANY means. If Read More…
Sinking like the Titanic
This week’s plans have been sinking like the Titanic…or my floors (more on that momentarily). I’m supposed to have a Flashback or Flashforward Friday today, but I’m still swimming in contractor and insurance hell while juggling too many other things Read More…
Water, water everywhere
Water, water everywhere and nary a drop to drink… I mean that literally because our kitchen is currently inaccessible. While I was away at Cascade Writers’ Workshop this past weekend, the condo unit above us had a hot water heater Read More…
Memorial Day’s History
Normally I’d have a Monday Night Gaming post today, but between the holiday and deadlines, it’s not happening. Instead, I’m reminding folks of Memorial Day’s history. My husband and I were at the store on Friday. While there, we were bombarded Read More…
Z is for Zelda
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: Z is for Zelda While not the first video game I ever played, The Legend of Zelda (1986) is the first non-platform video game I ever played. I sucked at Read More…
Y is for Yoshitaka Amano
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: Y is for Yoshitaka Amano I swear I wasn’t aiming to put all the artists at the end of the A-Z Challenge, but that’s where they ended up. If you’re Read More…
X is for eXperiment
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: X is for eXperiment I tried to find a synonym for experiment(al) that began with X, even in other languages, but I failed in this task. Hence, I’m cheating on Read More…
Portrayal of Victims in SF/F
This post is a bit different from my normal posts as I’m tackling a serious topic that isn’t discussed enough in geekdom–the portrayal of victims in SF/F. My grandmother, a retired teacher, taught me to read and write a pinch Read More…
What I’m…updates
I’m a little late as I’ve been very busy this month, but I updated the What I’m Reading, What I’m Watching, and What I’m Playing pages. Lots of beta-reading for Kat Richardson & critiquing for Gayle Clemans, watching Daredevil, and Read More…
W is for Whelan
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: W is for Whelan When I do my weekly Book Cover Throwback Thursdays, it’s difficult not to fill post after post with art from Michael Whelan, mostly because he’s incredibly Read More…