Scrivener Saturday: Compile Replace
Scrivener Saturday: Compile Replace Built into Scrivener‘s compile feature is the ability to do a Project Replace. Seems like a simple and underused option until you find yourself running into a huge issue that spans both Windows and OS machines–the Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Word Frequency Redo
[warning]I’ve got a massive writing deadline on 5/15, so this week’s Scrivener Saturday will be a repeat topic. I added more to it though, so enjoy![/warning] Scrivener Saturday: Word Frequency One of the most difficult parts of writing is making Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: A Case for Scapple
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: A Case for Scapple. In other words, why should you bother with pen and paper around? While I could tell you a million and one things about Scrivener, Literature and Latte’s second program, Scapple, is something Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: The Wishlist
I’m doing something a tad bit different today for Scrivener Saturday as I’m still trying to catch up from back-to-back conventions. This week’s Scrivener Saturday: The Wishlist–as in my top 5 features I wish Literature & Latte would add to the Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Multi-Book Projects
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Multi-Book Projects & Using Binders to Contain Them. [important]This tip has been edited to demonstrate a shorter, better way to do this. Thanks to Gwen Hernandez, author of the book, Scrivener for Dummies, for the faster Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Full-Screen Mode
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Unique Ways to Use Full-Screen Mode. By default, full-screen mode in Scrivener is rather clutter free with basic settings at the bottom: text scale–how large you want the text to be paper position–left, right, or center Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Five Ways to Use Split Screen
This week’s Scrivener Saturday – Five Ways to Use Split Screen Beyond the Corkboard & Outline Views. Seems like a no-brainer, right? I’ve run into quite a few authors who didn’t know that the split screen in Scrivener wasn’t limited Read More…

Scrivener Saturday – Importing Websites
This week’s Scrivener Saturday – Importing Websites. This is another one of those undervalued offerings from Scrivener, and one I find especially helpful when I’m up against a deadline and don’t want to get sucked in by the realm of Read More…

Scrivener Saturday – Using Targets
This week’s Scrivener Saturday – Using Targets. With everyone covering keywords, snapshots, & other options, I feel like targets are easily overlooked, and yet they are quite powerful on their own. In Scrivener, there are two types of targets: document Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Meta-Data
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Meta-Data. Last week, we covered Keywords, which can be used to help track POV, setting, characters, etc. Scrivener Meta-Data can do the same thing, just a bit differently. I prefer Meta-Data for certain things and keywords for Read More…