Cat-tain's Log: Episode 040! – RAVEN OAK
cat-tain's log episode 040

Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 040!


If there’s anything children do, it’s test their parents, and cats are no exception to this rule. At 3 AM this morning, there was a crash in the living room that woke both of us up from sleep. Apparently, the kitties were huuuuuungry and decided it was treat time. Since the treats are in a large, plastic jar with a screw on cap (curse the lack of opposable thumbs!), they couldn’t open it the normal way.

Instead, they decided to knock the container on the floor in hopes that it would magically open. Since it didn’t, they thought knocking other stuff on the table on top of it might open it. *sigh*

Have a good weekend, preferably without kitty tests. 😉

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