Deadlines & the Waiting Game – RAVEN OAK

Deadlines & the Waiting Game

the-creative-processThere is nothing better than a deadline to spur a writer into a mad panicked dash towards the finish line.

One deadline approaches–like a stampede of buffalo–and as such, I can’t tell which will happen first: my heart leaping out of my chest or the dashing of brains against the wall. While I have final edits due in 1 week, I’ve got a good 25K in words to write the week after. Nothing is more appropriate than “The Creative Process” image. Especially the crying. 😉

Amidst all this, I started up allergy shots again. (While my allergies here in Seattle are 90% better than Texas, they still exist. I’d like them to not.) Of course, they leave me groggy and stuffed up, so my Monday has been full of win all around (and I still have about 7K words to write while my brain’s all addled).

We’re still on a “wait and see” with DiNozzo, our seizure kitty. He saw his neurologist and an internalist last week. Both concur that these have to be seizures since we’ve ruled out a variety of brain infections, fungal infections, stroke, visible brain damage, hyperaesthesia (mostly), allergies, insect bites, toxins/poisons, major tumors visible on an MRI/spinal tap, and so on. Still trying to mess with meds–problem being that on the dosage he needs to not show seizure symptoms, he’s almost comatose, which is bad. On the dose he needs to have mobility, balance, and not be comatose, he’s right back where we started in number/severity of seizures. It’s incredibly frustrating. And of course, with my husband, we await the neurology appointment later this month. Equally frustrating.

In two (omg, how did we get to two, already?) weeks, I’ll be at the PNWA Conference. I’ll be attending with another Magnolia Chapter One member, Gayle Clemans. Anyone else attending? On the non-writing side, I’ll also be at Dragonflight and PAX Prime in August.

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