Flights of Foundry Con – RAVEN OAK

Flights of Foundry Con

Flights of Foundry is a free, online creative convention hosted this year from Friday, September 27 through Sunday, September 29, completely online and COVID-free!

If you want to come, you can register for FREE at

My Flights of Foundry Schedule:

3 PM PT – Problematic Faves Panel w/ Cat Rambo, R. K. Duncan, Jennifer Spirko, & Raven Oak (in Swooperton)
4 PM PT – Cozy Game Squeefest w/ Shade Oyemakinwa, V. M. Ayala, & Raven Oak (in Bartholomew)

11 AM PT – Raven Oak Book Reading (in The Keep)
4 PM PT – Crowdfunding w/ L.S. Johnson, M-Jo Baker, & Raven Oak (in Toast)<br/ >5 PM PT – Non-Human Perspectives w/ Arturo Serrano, Tara Campbell, Sandra Dickerson, Abby Goldsmith, Miguel O. Mitchell, Crystal L. Kirkham, Laura Chilibeck, Risa Wolf, BrightFlame, Tenacity Plys, & Raven Oak (in The Keep)

Definitely come check it out!

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