GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up – RAVEN OAK

GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up

As usual, GeekGirlCon was a blast! It was unusual sitting on the vendor’s side of things rather than spending my convention gaming or attending shows. I was a panelist at GGC this year as well, which was loads of fun as well. Speaking of loads…

GGC 2017 Packed up

This is all of our gear for our booth as we set out on Friday afternoon for set up.

GGC 2017 Raven

This is me about to unload the vehicle with Jesikah and Elise. Can you tell how excited I was? 😉

GeekGirlCon Setup

The hardest part of setting up the booth is all the decor–the slow-to-do stuff. Above is Jesikah setting up the entry pole. She’s the tallest and thus, she often gets to do the “tall” parts.

GGC 2017 Booth

Here’s our booth after set up! (You can click any of these images to see them larger.)

It took us about 5 hours to set up the booth, some of which was because our booth moved. There was an error, which the amazing folks at GeekGirlCon fixed, and we ended up towards the rear of the vendor’s hall. Bright and early Saturday, we arrived at the Seattle Convention Center, ready for one of the best conventions in the area.

GGC 2017 Cosplay

We decided to cosplay on Saturday from Firefly. Jesikah is Jayne, I’m Kaylee, and Elise is Wash.

GGC 2017 Cosplay

Here’s another shot of us as Jesikah takes a selfie. People kept commenting that my hair was “Jayne hat” hair because of the yellows, oranges, and reds. LOL.

GGC 2017 Booth

Here’s one side of the booth with Jesikah’s books, candles, and some awesome chainmaille.

GGC 2017 Booth

Here’s another side of the booth with my books, candles, and some more lovely chainmaille.

GGC 2017 Booth

Here we are again and the last side of the booth!

On Saturday afternoon, I was part of a “Meet & Geek,” which was a group of professional women from all areas of STEM, who sat down to talk and mingle with future professionals and those looking to get into various STEM fields. I met a young woman who works on rockets, a future 3D animator, a future videographer, and so many others. They had such great questions about what the future could be and should be. I loved meeting so many of these women.

GGC 2017 Meet n Geek

These are some of my fellow professionals before attendees packed the room to talk to us.

As a sci-fi writer, I do a lot of research on various sciences for my writing, but I was there less as an author and more as a former computer teacher, former graphic designer, former web designer, former programmer, etc. It was nice seeing how far the industry has come and yet speaking a common language with these people who will be the next tech people.

GGC 2017 Dalek

Clara the Dalek came to visit us!

GGC 2017 Aloy

This woman’s cosplay of Aloy (and yes, Aloy is a a play on the word alloy) from Horizon: Zero Dawn was amazing! One of the best cosplayers I saw all weekend. If you haven’t played this game, you should! It’s amazing! One of the best I’ve ever played.

GGC 2017 Log Lady

My friend and fellow author G. G. Silverman cosplayed as the Log Lady from Twin Peaks on Sunday, the day of our panel. (Click HERE to see what she looks like in the show. G. G. did a GREAT job!)

GGC 2017 Dalek

Here, the “Log Lady” and the Dalek were exchanging words. The Dalek wanted to exterminate her log.

GGC 2017 Panel

On Sunday, we had our panel on Transhumanism in Comics and Fiction, which was a blast. Pictured above are Jesikah Sundin, Me, G. G. Silverman, and Frances Stewart. We had a fairly full room and an amazing audience that asked some very complicated and in-depth questions.

GGC 2017 Books

I found out on Sunday that the con’s bookstore downstairs (Ada’s Technical Books) apparently had my books as well, so I was competing with myself in selling books at the booth. It happens. 😉

GGC 2017 Anita Sarkeesian

Before the end of the convention, I managed to hop across the aisle to the Feminist Frequency booth and snag a selfie with Anita Sarkeesian.

I met so many people–more than I can count–and sold a lot of books, which is always nice. We hope to have a video of the panel up in a bit but for now, I hope these photos gave you a taste of what our weekend was like. Tear down happened fairly quickly and before we knew it, the weekend was done.

Until next year!

P.S. I was tickled as hell to see this cosplayer from Kingdom Hearts!


Most photos taken by Raven Oak. A few taken by Jesikah Sundin and a few more by random people we asked to take group photos of us and the booth.

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