GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up – RAVEN OAK

GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up

Elise and I almost didn’t attend GeekGirlCon this year. Not because of COVID concerns because GGC is a masked convention, but because of the election. Worries about safety and the future are real. I’m glad we went because it was so needed.

Photo of Raven Oak and Elise sitting at their Books & Chains booth at GeekGirlCon 2024.

Me and Elise at our booth just after set up on Friday. We are so very tired in this photo!

I needed to be amongst my people–not just geeky folks but the queer community. Being around people who understood our concerns and worry about the future, people who would have my back and fight against fascism, was incredibly important to my mental health.

Raven Oak is sitting at her booth wearing a stylish Wonder Woman hat with feathers, blue glasses, and a 1920's style dress.

The above photo is from Saturday, or Day 1 of GeekGirlCon 2024. I am not quite awake in this photo. 😉 I wore a 1920’s style TARDIS dress along with my Wonder Woman hat.

For the curious, I’m wearing a ReadiMask, which is an adhesive based N95 mask. Part of what makes it better than most N95’s is that being adhesive based means it can fit around any type of nose and face structure, which means it is properly fit-tested! If you know anything about me, you know that I am hella-allergic to every adhesive on the planet. Seriously. Even with that allergy, I can wear these masks without too much trouble. This does itch a bit on me and after 8 hours, my skin pays for it with itchy hives but it’s better than not having a proper fit!

The other device is a Sip Mask valve, which can be EASILY installed on most masks and allows me to safely drink while still wearing my mask. The valve is self-healing too so it still gives me proper protection.

Raven Oak is pictured wearing blue glasses and a kodama patterned top. They also have soot sprites in their hair.

Photo from Sunday at GeekGirlCon 2024

Sunday, I wore a kodama shirt, so when Elise saw these soot sprites on a hair clip at the booth behind us, she bought them for us to wear. Go go Studio Ghibli!

Here’s a short video tour of our booth and wares.

If you missed out and are still wanting autographed copies of my books and/or art, check out my shop at:

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