Halloween 2022 – RAVEN OAK

Halloween 2022

For some people, it’s Christmas. Others, Thanksgiving. For me, my favorite holiday is Halloween. Part of the reason I love this holiday so much is because it gives people the opportunity to be whatever and whoever they want to be. That’s important. Exploration is part of our identity, and it’s part of how we learn.

Skeleton Family of creatures

Part of our skeletal family in the side yard, including a dragon, two cats, a dog, a crow, a turtle, a frog, and a duck. In the background, a human skeleton pretending to be a tree for Halloween. (2022)

As an author, I create worlds and characters all the time. I get to play and create characters who can be whatever as well, so for me, Halloween feels a lot like world development–only real!

Raven Oak as a Care Bear at age 7

Me dressed up as Tenderheart Bear (Care Bear) at age seven.

Growing up poor, we never had the money to do involved costumes. I was usually a cat (easy and cheap) or something store-bought like a Care Bear.

Raven Oak dressed up as a cat, age 10

Me, dressed up as a cat at age ten

Now that I’m an adult, I enjoy cosplay and costumes immensely as I can afford to spend a bit of money on the effort. This year, my partner dressed up as Space Ghost (Coast to Coast), and I dressed up as Ms. Marvel! Here are a few pictures. You can click them to see them larger.

We also had quite the array of skeletal figures around the property. Here are some of those pictures.

Despite the fact that we normally have some trick-or-treaters, we only had one this year. 🙁 Now we have too much left over candy.

I hope your holiday was a good one, and that it was full of more treats than tricks!

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