I'm reading this novel....what are you reading? – RAVEN OAK

I’m reading this novel….what are you reading?

The best way to be a good writer is to be a good reader. So what am I reading today?


When the Day of Evil Comes by Melanie Wells

At the moment, I’m reading a thriller called When the Day of Evil Comes by Melanie Wells. It’s not a author I’m familiar with, but the folks over on Goodreads really seem to like it, so I decided to give it a shot. Definitely suspenseful so far, but not quite terrifying. But then, I’m only 1/4 of the way through it!

UPDATE: I finished the novel and honestly, I found the ending quite weak. I felt like the author relied too heavily on deus ex machina to solve plot tangles. Maybe I missed something that made the book excellent to so many? Just not seeing it.

So what are you reading?

2 Replies to “I’m reading this novel….what are you reading?”

  1. I read all the time, though I understand what you mean. When I was working 50+ hours a week and writing, it was much harder to find time. Since I write full time now, I’m pretty much doing NaNo every day/month. And oddly find time to read. Sort of weird how it works out.

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