Interview on Writer 2.0 Podcast – RAVEN OAK

Interview on Writer 2.0 Podcast

Author and Podcaster, A. C. Fuller, interviewed me as a guest on his Writer 2.0 Podcast, episode #33, which went up today.

Writer 2.0 Podcast We talked about:

  • my transition to full-time writing;
  • what people misunderstand about the rain in Seattle;
  • how to build a world in a fantasy novel;
  • how to find a publisher;
  • my favorite new board games;
  • the best writing conferences for sci-fi and fantasy writers;
  • the pros and cons of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month);
  • my epic fantasy, Amaskan’s Blood.

Check it the Interview on Writer 2.0 Podcast at:

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