Potatoes! – RAVEN OAK


Today is National Potato Day, a day I know my friend and fellow author Jesikah Sundin enjoys. Oddly enough, potatoes are featured frequently in SF/F tales. They outlast apocalypses and feed hungry hobbits.
As a child, I developed an allergy to tomatoes, which are part of the nightshade group. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve built up allergies and intolerances to bell peppers and other peppers. If I eat too many potatoes, my intolerance kicks in so I suspect that some day, I won’t be able to enjoy potatoes. Since I still can, I plan to enjoy the hell out of them!
So what’s your favorite spud-lovin’ food? For me, it’s au gratin potatoes. Cheese + potatoes =
win. Oooo, and tater tots! With cheese, of course.
I love potatoes!

You can read all about how the spud changed the world over on the Smithsonian here:

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