Save the Library! – RAVEN OAK

Save the Library!

I was going to post something lighthearted today about the research I’m doing for a novel, but after finding out about this, I had to post.

When people wonder why our country isn’t measuring up to others, just look to events like this as the answer. The University of North Texas spent $78 million to build the brand new Apogee Stadium.

Apogee Stadium was “designed by the same team that created the spectacular Dallas Cowboys Stadium….Apogee features two huge, state-of-the-art video boards, 21 luxury suites, 750 club seats, high-tech facilities for broadcast and print media, banquet rooms and an 1,800-square-foot team apparel store.” It seats 30,850.


UNT Library

All of this for a football team that no one outside of Texas has ever heard of…and yet, UNT just decided that it doesn’t need a library anymore. That’s right, UNT doesn’t need a library. It is forcing the library to slash 1.7 million a year from it’s budget to keep operating. Just in case your math fails you, Apogee Stadium money could have funded that shortfall for FORTY-FIVE years. But in Texas (and many places in the US), athletics is more important than academics.
I’m all for people being entertained or playing sports, but never at the cost of learning.
Save the UNT Library!

One Reply to “Save the Library!”

  1. While I realize that Apogee was 1/2 paid for through private donations, I will add that UNT could fundraise for the library as they did with their stadium. If they put even half the effort into that, they could fund the library for a long time. But are they? Nope. They don’t value the library, and it shows.

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