Scrivener Saturday: Name Generator – RAVEN OAK

Scrivener Saturday: Name Generator

This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Name Generator!


TIP #2: Scrivener has a nifty built-in name generator. It’s not as great as some websites out there, but in a pinch or in a place with no Internet, it’ll do. Just go to EDIT–>WRITING TOOLS–>then click on NAME GENERATOR. Check out the screenshot below to see the details. You can pick genders, nationalities, forenames, surnames, etc. (Click on the image to view it larger.)Name GeneratorWhat I love about this feature: The fact that you can pick various cultures and ethnicities to get your character names to fit.

Humorous bit about this feature: You can intentionally make your character names have alliteration. Bullet Bill anyone?

Check out the whole series of posts here.

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