Another Award
Amaskan’s Blood‘s won another award, the Readers’ Favorites Award for YA Epic Fantasy. I’m happy that the first in the series is still getting so much love. <3 The title was also reviewed and said, “This is a novel for Read More…

Swords, Sorcery, & Self-Rescuing Damsels
I’m really excited to finally announce the inclusion of my short story “Alive” in the awesome Swords, Sorcery, & Self-Rescuing Damsels anthology from Clockwork Dragon. This anthology, available for Pre-Order NOW, has stories from Jody Lynn Nye, Robyn Bennis, Dawn Vogel, and quite a Read More…

Amaskan’s War Pre-Orders are live!
It’s your lucky day! Pre-Orders are now up for Amaskan’s War, Book II of the Boahim Trilogy. It will be out in paperback on August 1st (ebooks will be out 9/1/18) and as such, pre-orders are up in most bookstores. Places to pre-order a Read More…

Review from Chanticleer
A quite lengthy review of Amaskan’s Blood was posted recently from Chanticleer, who gives it 5 stars. Some snippets from the review: “Just when you think you know where the novel is headed, the author will surprise you, frighten you, charm you, and, Read More…

Candles are Coming!
Candles are coming! If you’ve never heard of A Court of Candles, you need to rectify that STAT! They do book-themed candles that are the best smelling candles I’ve ever encountered. Besides doing candles for things like Lord of the Read More…

Time to Hunt!
In honor of the AAYAA / The YA Shelf Scavenger Hunt, anyone who Joins the Conspiracy (my mailing list) between now and June 7th, will be entered to win a SIGNED copy of Amaskan’s Blood, plus some swag. (No purchase necessary.) Sign up here: https://www.ravenoak.net/for-readers/mailing-list Let Read More…

Scavenger Hunt(s)!
My site (and thus, me) is taking part in TWO scavenger hunts for the end of May and the first week of June! In May, science fiction romance author, J. M. Page, is having a scavenger hunt for her birthday. Each day Read More…

Sci-fy Shenanigans
I’ll have my Norwescon 40 wrap-up posted later this week (still catching up on sleep!) but for now, I’ve got an in-depth interview over on Sci-fy Shenanigans (aka JR Handley’s blog), so check it out! I talk about Class-M Exile, The Eldest Silence, and Amaskan’s Blood Read More…

Ozma Award Winner!
So I completely missed doing my Monday Night Gaming post on Monday because I was too busy recovering from Amaskan’s Blood winning an Ozma Fantasy Award!! I won my first award on my late-grandmother’s birthday. I wish she could have been here to Read More…

OZMA Awards
Amaskan’s Blood was short-listed FINALIST for the Chanticleer OZMA Fantasy Awards, with the winner being announced this weekend on Saturday, April 1st. While Amaskan’s Blood was a FINALIST in the 2016 EPIC Awards, this is my first short-listed award with an actual awards’ Read More…