TT: The Death of Sleep
This week’s Throwback Thursday / TT: The Death of Sleep by Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye The Death of Sleep was the first book I ever read centered around the idea of cryosleep. I still love this series, old though this cover Read More…

FF: Powers That Be
This week’s Flashback Friday: Powers That Be by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Anne Scarborough Anthropomorphism has been used in science fiction and fantasy for…well, as long as the genre has existed. In fact, Aesop’s fables are fraught with it, as Read More…

Throwback Thursday: Powers That Be
This week’s Throwback Thursday: Powers That Be by my favorite Irish dweller, Anne McCaffrey, and her co-author, the wonderful Elizabeth Anne Scarborough. What I Love about This Cover: She’s not scantily clad! Yes, I realize this is a cold looking Read More…

S is for Space Opera
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: S is for Space Opera Space opera is a sci-fi sub-genre that people either love or hate. The movie, Jupiter Ascending is proof of that as critics and audiences either Read More…

Book Cover Throwback: Sassinak
This week’s Book Cover Throwback: Sassinak by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Moon. This was the first Elizabeth Moon novel I ever read. In fact, it was the first space opera I ever read as well. What I Love about This Cover: Read More…

D is for Dragons
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: D is for Dragons I am not an author who writes about dragons (at least, not yet!), but I don’t have to write about them to love them. Like some Read More…
Flasbhack Friday: Ship who Sang
In all my years of conventions and conferences, I’ve never caught “Con Crud” –until Geek Girl Con. I’ve got a bit of a head cold this week, so my apologies if my Flashback Friday over The Ship Who Sang rambles Read More…
Flashback Friday: Crystal Singer & My Alter-Ego
Published in 1982, Crystal Singer was penned by Anne McCaffrey as a result from events in her personal life. If you don’t know a lot about Anne McCaffrey, she was a musician and opera singer for a bit of her Read More…
Flashback Friday…Dragonflight
I’ve decided that in honor of all the Throwback Thursday things people have been doing online, I’m going to begin a Flashback Friday post where I review a novel I read back when I was a child. Sort of a Read More…