I’m not sure how but in all the chaos that was the release of Voices Carry, I managed to miss posting on here about a short story publication! My short story, “Eye of the Beholder,” which I co-wrote with author Read More…

North Carolina Time!
Heya folks! If you’re in the Ashville, NC area, the amazing bookstore co-op Firestorm will have copies of Voices Carry: A Story of Teaching, Transitions, & Truths on release date, 8/6/24! If you show your local bookstore some love and snag a Read More…

BookPeople Austin
Heya folks! If you’re in the Austin, TX area, BookPeople will have copies of Voices Carry: A Story of Teaching, Transitions, & Truths on release date, 8/6/24! If you show your local bookstore some love and snag a copy, I’ll happily Read More…

Hidden Magic
It’s Caturday!! Besides being a great day for cats, I have a story in a new anthology called Hidden Magic that came out this week! My story in it, “Amaskan,” features Ida from Amaskan’s Blood. Since it’s Caturday, Malleycat (my Read More…

Release Party Reminder!
Release Party Reminder! If you’re local to the Seattle area, come join me at the double book release party THIS WEEKEND for Amaskan’s War and From the Worlds of Raven Oak Coloring Book! I truly hope you’ll be able to join me as Read More…

Double Book Release Party!
If you’re local to the Seattle area, come join me at the double book release party we’re having for Amaskan’s War and From the Worlds of Raven Oak Coloring Book! It’s been a long time coming. Lots of water demons and auto-immune Read More…

Happy Book Birthday!
Happy Book Birthday to me! While the eBook release of Amaskan’s War is still a month away, today is a day worth celebrating for me as the trade paperback of Amaskan’s War is out as well as my coloring book–From the Worlds of Read More…

Amaskan’s War Pre-Orders are live!
It’s your lucky day! Pre-Orders are now up for Amaskan’s War, Book II of the Boahim Trilogy. It will be out in paperback on August 1st (ebooks will be out 9/1/18) and as such, pre-orders are up in most bookstores. Places to pre-order a Read More…