Winter Wish on the Solstice
Winter solstice…the shortest day of the year. The day when it’s dark at 3:30 PM in Seattle, and everyone sighs with relief that eventually the sun will return. It’s also the day of my birth, which is always interesting as Read More…

Flashback Friday: My First Doctor
This week’s Flashback Friday: My First Doctor. This post is Doctor Who themed in honor of Anglicon 2015, which is where I currently am this weekend. I’m way behind the curve here. Growing up, we didn’t have TV until I Read More…

V is for Van Gogh
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: V is for Van Gogh Art has always weaseled its way into my world–either through my own creations or my love of nature, symmetry, and lines. When I was a Read More…

In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: E is for EXTERMINATE!! While I may have been late to the Doctor Who party, my love of the series is no less than any other Whovian. While many have Read More…