Zelda + Eerl = WIN
Zelda + Eerl = WIN. Or at least it does for me. For those of you who missed my reading at Norwescon 40, I opened by reading from The Legend of Zelda manual (the original one from the NES days) Read More…

FF: Powers That Be
This week’s Flashback Friday: Powers That Be by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Anne Scarborough Anthropomorphism has been used in science fiction and fantasy for…well, as long as the genre has existed. In fact, Aesop’s fables are fraught with it, as Read More…

X is for eXperiment
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: X is for eXperiment I tried to find a synonym for experiment(al) that began with X, even in other languages, but I failed in this task. Hence, I’m cheating on Read More…