Flashback Friday
I am so dreadfully behind on writing deadlines and unpacking that for now, my Flashback Friday and Flashforward Friday posts are going on hiatus. I will still continue to post Monday Night Gaming posts on the 1st and 3rd Mondays Read More…

FF: 5 Techs!
For this week’s Flashforward Friday: 5 Techs! Or in more detail, lots of upcoming technology that is so going to change the future. I’ve got a serious deadline here, so this will be a little on the short side. I’m Read More…

FF: Electronic Ink Tattoos
For this week’s Flashforward Friday: Electronic Ink Tattoos If there’s one thing I’ve hated about tattoos, it’s the permanent-ness of them. Not because I have an issue with something being on me forever, but more that I am fickle. I Read More…

Flashforward Friday: Adventures in Space
For this week’s Flashforward Friday: Adventures in Space In the past few weeks, multiple scientific breakthroughs have occurred, resulting in some fascinating discoveries. It’s suspected that scientists have discovered a parallel universe leaking into ours. This information is based on Read More…

Flashforward Friday: Titanium Bones
For this week’s Flashforward Friday: Titanium Bones–the Beginning of New Bodies? This week I read about a cancer patient receiving a titanium rib cage, which amazed the hell out of me. Basically, this man in Spain had to have his Read More…

Flashforward Friday: Neurology
For this week’s Flashforward Friday: Neurology and the new strides science has made. Scientists have built artificial neurons that fully mimic human brain cells. Let that sink in for a moment. As someone who has neurological issues, I wanted to Read More…

Flashforward Friday: Cloning
For this week’s Flashforward Friday post, I’m filling in for a guest-post cancellation. Sometimes I miss doing these, so I don’t mind the chance to fill in! Flashforward Friday: Cloning! Despite DNA not being discovered for another twenty years, Brave Read More…

Flashforward Friday: Diversity
For this week’s Flashforward Friday post, I’m filling in for a guest-post cancellation. Sometimes I miss doing these, so I don’t mind the chance to fill in! The topic of diversity has come up in conversation lately, and it’s something Read More…

Flashforward Friday: Carbon Nanotubes
This week’s Flashforward Friday: Carbon Nanotubes. I’m happy to have author, Stuart Thaman, here again for a guest post on carbon nanotubes and how his own experiences with prosthetic limbs shaped the future of his writing. While I haven’t written Read More…
Flashforward Friday: Unknowable Innovations
For this week’s Flashforward Friday post, I’m happy to have science-fiction author, G. S. Jennsen, here again for a guest post on Unknowable Innovations. As I understand it, Flashforward Friday is about looking at recent technological advances or discoveries and Read More…