Inclusivity for All
GeekGirlCon’s new announcement… Oof. Where to begin? I’ve been a geek my entire life. I’ve been bullied for it growing up and as an adult. Most of us have. Being queer and nonbinary on top of it means I’ve grown Read More…

GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up
Elise and I almost didn’t attend GeekGirlCon this year. Not because of COVID concerns because GGC is a masked convention, but because of the election. Worries about safety and the future are real. I’m glad we went because it was Read More…

Week Two Freebie
Ooo! Freebies! If you’ve been on the fence about backing my Kickstarter for The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales, keep in mind that backing it during week two will get you TWO free holiday short stories! One is “The Werewolf Read More…

Week One Freebie
Ooo! Freebies! If you’ve been on the fence about backing my Kickstarter for The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales, keep in mind that backing it during week one will get you a free eBook of the amazing Westside Oracle by Read More…

GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up
As usual, GeekGirlCon was a blast! It was unusual sitting on the vendor’s side of things rather than spending my convention gaming or attending shows. I was a panelist at GGC this year as well, which was loads of fun Read More…

GeekGirlCon Schedule
If you’re Seattle local and heading out to GeekGirlCon this weekend, I’ll be there as both a vendor and panelist. Come stop by Books & Chains‘ booth, I-117, and say hello! My panelist schedule is below the map as well. Read More…

GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up
This past weekend was GeekGirlCon 2016, which was my 4th GGC and probably the best so far. Over 11,500 attendees came out this year, which is really awesome. I love seeing what began as a small convention grow to a Read More…

Just a reminder that I’m at GeekGirlCon 2016 this weekend! I’ve got three panels and an autographing time. Schedule is below: SATURDAY, OCT. 8: 10 AM – 11 AM in Korra (Level 3 Room 2)– Science Fiction Romance: Tentacles Not Read More…

Analysis of Sex vs. Gender
Thanks to the awesome Winter Downs (who taped our panel), I can now share with you our panel from GeekGirlCon 2015! Here it is: Analysis of Sex vs. Gender: Why, Where, & Going All the Way with Winter Downs, Jill Read More…