GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up
This past weekend was GeekGirlCon 2016, which was my 4th GGC and probably the best so far. Over 11,500 attendees came out this year, which is really awesome. I love seeing what began as a small convention grow to a Read More…

Just a reminder that I’m at GeekGirlCon 2016 this weekend! I’ve got three panels and an autographing time. Schedule is below: SATURDAY, OCT. 8: 10 AM – 11 AM in Korra (Level 3 Room 2)– Science Fiction Romance: Tentacles Not Read More…

GeekGirlCon 2016 Schedule
Below is my GeekGirlCon 2016 Schedule, complete with a few panels and a signing. If you’re heading to this awesome convention, stop by and say hello! SATURDAY, OCT. 8: 10 AM – 11 AM in Korra (Level 3 Room 2)– Read More…

GeekGirlCon Panelist
I got word this past weekend that I’ll be a panelist at Geek Girl Con October 8-9, 2016! So far, my panels will be: Loving What You Want PANELISTS: Me, Fran Stewart, Bridget A. Natale, and Hafidha Acuay. DESCRIPTION: Women Read More…