Flashback Friday: Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed
This week’s Flashback Friday: Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed aka The Naming of Names by Ray Bradbury. When I first read this short story, it was titled “Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed,” rather than its original name “The Read More…

Book Cover Throwback: The Martian Chronicles
This week’s Book Cover Throwback: The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. What I Love about This Cover: It’s a beautifully envisioned Mars. I love everything about it: the architectural curves, the Marsians, all of it. What I Don’t Love about Read More…

Book Cover Throwback: Something Wicked This Way Comes
This week’s Book Cover Throwback: Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. What I Love about This Cover: This cover is made of nightmares. Seriously. I’ll never see a carousel the same way again. What I Don’t Love about Read More…

Flashback 451 Fourth!
The Fourth of July: Flags, patriotic songs blaring through speakers, fireworks, and beer. For many, that’s what this day represents. A chance to get drunk. A chance to grill some grub. A chance to sing “God Bless the U.S.A.”—one.more.time. Freedom Read More…
Flashback Friday…Something Wicked This Way Comes
5th Grade. Top of the elementary school ladder and way smarter than I had any right to be, a teacher recommended that I read Something Wicked This Way Comes by science-fiction master, Ray Bradbury. To be honest, my little Nancy-Drew-and-Hardy-Boy-loving-self Read More…
Most influential writer of all time? Of our time?
7/5/2024 EDIT: I wrote this before certain information came to light. I’m leaving it here, but please read it with that understanding. This is not a question of who is the best author. Nor is it a question of who Read More…