Adventures in 3D Printing
I like to mention as often as possible that my husband wins. At what? All the things. No, really. For our anniversary, he got me a 3D printer. This one to be exact. It’s an MP Mini Delta, which is Read More…

Monday Night Gaming: Codenames Pictures
This week’s Monday Night Gaming / MNG: Codenames Pictures Publisher: Czech Games Edition # of Players: 4-8 players Best with: 6-8 players Playing Time: 15-30 minutes We had the opportunity to play this game recently. We’ve never played the base Codenames game, so this Read More…

MNG: Raptor
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Raptor! This past Saturday was International Tabletop Day, so my husband and I spent it hopping from game store to game store while playing games with various friends. We began it at Card Kingdom/Cafe Mox, Read More…
Monday Night Gaming: All Things Munchkin
Ah Munchkin! That glorious game. The ultimate PvP (player vs. player) game that encourages bad behavior and foul language. What’s not to love? This week’s Monday Night Gaming is on All Things Munchkin. My husband and I are huge fans Read More…