Zelda + Eerl = WIN
Zelda + Eerl = WIN. Or at least it does for me. For those of you who missed my reading at Norwescon 40, I opened by reading from The Legend of Zelda manual (the original one from the NES days) Read More…
ECCC Wrap-Up
ECCC or Emerald City Comicon 2017 was amazing though a bit crowded! They apparently set records with 90,000+ in attendance on Saturday, which is crazy crowded to me. Due to my schedule, I only attended on Saturday (when my panel was), Read More…
Z is for Zelda
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: Z is for Zelda While not the first video game I ever played, The Legend of Zelda (1986) is the first non-platform video game I ever played. I sucked at Read More…