Thanksgiving – RAVEN OAK


From its bloody beginning to the more recent attacks on the Native People’s protesting the DAPL, Thanksgiving is a complicated holiday in the United States. It’s always been a “damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t” style holiday for me, especially being a 20+ year-long vegetarian (the non-preachy kind thank you!). But with all the death, politics, and illness of 2016, many of us are needing the reminder of what we have and who we have and what exactly we are thankful for. That includes me.

To kick things off, here are some things I’m thankful for in no particular order.

  1. My husband, who managed to turn being laid off into a stay-cation with me. <3 I could’ve wished for a better use of time together than his taking care of me post-op, but he entertained me with books and video games and love. He’s also one of the funniest people I know. Humor in the face of everything for the win!
  2. My friends, who are my family and often my sanity. Even when the world falls down, you pick me back up. Love to you all.
  3. My kitties. Even when they are annoying or misbehaving, they are a source of endless laughter. Or an endless source of heat in the chilly winter, as they were last night when I had insomnia and stayed up way too late reading. Speaking of reading…
  4. My readers because you all ROCK! I get to do what I always wanted to do because of you. Also, mad thanks to alpha and beta readers for cutting through the madness that is an early revision. Speaking of writing…
  5. My critique group, who helps turn my massive problems into well-formed stories.
  6. Pantsuit Nation, who reminds me that good people are still out there doing good things and fighting for equality.
  7. My Dad, who is going to drive through the mountains in the middle of winter to come be Bob Villa on this crazy house we bought.
  8. My Books & Chains partner, Elise, who’s constantly willing to try new ideas, treat everything as a learning experience, and explore this concept of books meet craft. May 2017 be spectacular for us both! (She also shared the picture below with me, which I shamelessly stole!)
  9. My colleagues for continuing to write and inspire. I want to be you some day!
  10. My publishers. Thanks for taking chances on my stories and helping the world see them.

Time for some food and a nap.

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