Voices Carry Release Party! – RAVEN OAK

Voices Carry Release Party!

We’re coming up on three weeks until the release of my memoir, Voices Carry: A Story of Teaching, Transitions, & Truths, which means it’s time to look at those calendars and figure out which Voices Carry release party you’d love to attend! Because of my long COVID, both events are virtual, which also makes it easier for those of you not in the greater Seattle area.

The More Traditional Release Party!

WHAT:    A short reading, Q&A, prizes, and fun!
WHERE:    Streaming on YouTube here: https://bit.ly/voicescarryparty
WHEN:    Tuesday, 8/6/24 at 6 PM PDT (or 9 PM East Coast)

Release Day Party! for Voices Carry by Raven Oak. 8/6/24 @ 6 PM PDT. https://bit.ly/voicescarryparty

The More Informal Book Party!

WHAT:    A BYO-Chocolate & Drinks Zoom Party with prizes, book chat, and fun!
WHERE:    Via Zoom. RSVP REQUIRED at bit.ly/VCzoomchoc
WHEN:    Friday, 8/9/24 at 6 PM PDT (or 9 PM East Coast)

Book Release Zoom Party for Voices Carry by Raven Oak. 8/9/24 at 6 PM PDT. RSVP at bit.ly/VCzoomchoc You’re welcome to attend one or both events! See you in a few weeks! <3

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