Flashback/FlashForward Guest Spot Details


You’re here because I emailed or direct messaged you about a guest spot on my site.

Here are the Flashback/FlashForward Guest Spot Details:

In Flashback Friday, I’m looking at what Sci-Fi / Fantasy novels writers read as children/teens that impacted them as writers today. I’ve done 30 of these thus far, with a few guests scattered in there, but I’m looking to add more guest writers to this since I think it’s a topic worth exploring. It’s fascinating what made us the writers we are today.

I’ve also been doing a Flashforward Friday series where I look at technological advances & how I think they will impact the writing of future sci-fi novels. For example, how might our landing on a comet impact sci-fi being written now?

Average length for the article is 400-1000 words. While the focus is specific, I’ve left the guest posts fairly open as we all are influenced in different ways. Some people write the post as more of a story about their first encounter with a book while others dissect the book and its influence. For the Flashforward Friday, I’ve not had a guest post on that yet, but am open to ideas. I like exploring the what-if.

I’m looking to book a bunch of guests posts running through all of 2015. You can see the examples of the Flashback Fridays here: https://www.ravenoak.net/archives/category/flashback-friday  and the Flashforward Fridays here: https://www.ravenoak.net/archives/category/flashforward-friday.

For most people, I’ll toss up:

  • the article
  • short bio & pic of the author
  • links to author’s website and/or social media
  • links to author’s books (if published)
  • cover & blurb of newest book if article is timed near a release (which we can do)

You do not have to be published or have a release coming out to participate. This is for all SF/F writers. 🙂

If you’re interested, drop me an email at kaonevar [at] gmail [dot] com. Let me know if you have a time frame you’d like in particular, whether you’d want to do a Flashback or Flashforward (or both!), etc.

Write On!


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